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Most fields in the nodes can be evaluated as templates. The default template engine is Jinja2 and expose all the buit-in's of the language.

To debug easily such fields, you can use the Template Playground reachable from the help section in the top bar.

It is extended with the following elements.


From Jinja2

pp_dictturn an object into a pretty-printed JSON string representation{{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | pp_dict }}
dict_filterfilter a dictionary with a set of keys{{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} | dict_filter(['a', 'b']) }}
json_queryinspect a JSON object with a JMESPath query{{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} | json_query('a') }}
url_qsparse a URL query string into a dictionary{{ 'a=1&b=2&c=3' | url_qs }}
url_raw_queryparse a URL query string{{ 'a=1&b=2&c=3' | url_raw_query }}
jsonparse a JSON string into a dictionary{{ '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}' | json }}
url_pathextract the path from a URL{{ '' | url_path }}
combinemerge dictionaries{{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | combine({'c': 3}) }}
rest2dictparse a REST call response into a dictionary (note: it automatically parse a body property as a JSON string into an object){{ rest2dict(rest) }}
regex_replaceuse a regular expression to replace a string{{ 'hello, world' | regex_replace('hello', 'goodbye') }}
regex_findalluse a regular expression to find all matches in a string{{ 'hello, world' | regex_findall('l') }}
regex_searchuse a regular expression to search a string{{ 'hello, world' | regex_search('l') }}
uniqueexclude duplicates from a list{{ [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] | unique }}
intersectintersect two lists{{ [1, 2, 3] | intersect([2, 3, 4]) }}
differencedifference between two lists{{ [1, 2, 3] | difference([2, 3, 4]) }}
unionunion of two lists{{ [1, 2, 3] | union([2, 3, 4]) }}
minminimum value of a list{{ [1, 2, 3] | min }}
maxmaximum value of a list{{ [1, 2, 3] | max }}
b64encodebase64 encode a string{{ 'hello, world' | b64encode }}
b64decodebase64 decode a string{{ 'aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk' | b64decode }}
phonenumber_validcheck if a phone number is valid{{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_valid }}
phonenumber_e164convert a phone number to E164 format{{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_e164 }}
phonenumber_ccextract the country code from a phone number{{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_cc }}
phonenumber_ccaextract the country code from a phone number in alpha-2 format{{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_cca }}
phonenumber_typeextract the type of a phone number{{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_type }}
strftimeformat a date{{ '2021-01-01' | strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
to_datetimeconvert a string to a datetime object{{ '2021-01-01' | to_datetime }}
to_boolconvert a string to a boolean (evaluate to true: "yes", "on", "1", "true", 1){{ 'true' | to_bool }}
hmacgenerate hash for a string, using a key (optional); supported digests: sha1, sha224, sha256 (default), sha384, sha512, blake2b, blake2s{{ 'secret' | hmac }} {{ 'secret' | hmac('key') }} {{ 'secret' | hmac('key', 'sha512') }}
chunkedsplit a list into chunks{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | chunked(2) | list }}


From Jinja2

startswithcheck if a string starts with a substring{{ 'hello, world' | startswith('hello') }}
endswithcheck if a string ends with a substring{{ 'hello, world' | endswith('world') }}


nowcompute the current date and time{{ now() }}
tzapply a timezone to a date{{ now(tz('Europe/Paris')) }}
timedeltaapply a delta to a date{{ now() | timedelta(days=1) }}
utcnowcompute the current date and time in UTC{{ utcnow() }}
uuidgenerate a UUID{{ uuid() }}
randintgenerate a random integer{{ randint(1, 10) }}


Assignments from Jinja2

requestthe current request object. Use {{ (request.body | rest2dict).<property> }} to access request body triggered by an HTTP custom endpoint
instancethe current instance object running a workflow with the following attributes: id, guid, callback_task_id, user_id, original_request_id, label
contexta key-value map attached to the current workflow instance
taskstasks ran until there with their status
sub_instances_responses"callback" responses produced by sub-instances
parent_instance_contextcontext of the parent instance (only filled in sub-instance)
settingsa dictionary containing the settings of the platform (sensitive content are removed for security reason)
enva dictionary containing the environment variables of the platform
proxy_namethe name of the proxy (only filled in processes started with proxy binding)
worker_enva dictionary containing the environment variables of the worker process (note: it allows to attach different values depending on the running location)
userthe user object of the current user (only filled when the instance has an owner defined)


While jinja2 is the default template engine, you can use other engines by specifying the engine attribute in the field (just under the template in the editor).



Jinja2 is a Python based template engine, so it is the most extensible and powerful engine available. But because it is Python based, it is not the fastest engine available. If you have a lot of templates to evaluate, or templates with big data or slow templates, you may want to consider using a faster and lighter engine like Pongo2.

