Most fields in the nodes can be evaluated as templates. The default template engine is Jinja2 and expose all the buit-in's of the language.
To debug easily such fields, you can use the Template Playground reachable from the help section in the top bar.
It is extended with the following elements.
Filter | Description | Sample |
pp_dict | turn an object into a pretty-printed JSON string representation | {{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | pp_dict }} |
dict_filter | filter a dictionary with a set of keys | {{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} | dict_filter(['a', 'b']) }} |
json_query | inspect a JSON object with a JMESPath query | {{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} | json_query('a') }} |
url_qs | parse a URL query string into a dictionary | {{ 'a=1&b=2&c=3' | url_qs }} |
url_raw_query | parse a URL query string | {{ 'a=1&b=2&c=3' | url_raw_query }} |
json | parse a JSON string into a dictionary | {{ '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}' | json }} |
url_path | extract the path from a URL | {{ 'http://apio.netaxis.cloud/api/v01/public/demo' | url_path }} |
combine | merge dictionaries | {{ {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | combine({'c': 3}) }} |
rest2dict | parse a REST call response into a dictionary (note: it automatically parse a body property as a JSON string into an object) | {{ rest2dict(rest) }} |
regex_replace | use a regular expression to replace a string | {{ 'hello, world' | regex_replace('hello', 'goodbye') }} |
regex_findall | use a regular expression to find all matches in a string | {{ 'hello, world' | regex_findall('l') }} |
regex_search | use a regular expression to search a string | {{ 'hello, world' | regex_search('l') }} |
unique | exclude duplicates from a list | {{ [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] | unique }} |
intersect | intersect two lists | {{ [1, 2, 3] | intersect([2, 3, 4]) }} |
difference | difference between two lists | {{ [1, 2, 3] | difference([2, 3, 4]) }} |
union | union of two lists | {{ [1, 2, 3] | union([2, 3, 4]) }} |
min | minimum value of a list | {{ [1, 2, 3] | min }} |
max | maximum value of a list | {{ [1, 2, 3] | max }} |
b64encode | base64 encode a string | {{ 'hello, world' | b64encode }} |
b64decode | base64 decode a string | {{ 'aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk' | b64decode }} |
phonenumber_valid | check if a phone number is valid | {{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_valid }} |
phonenumber_e164 | convert a phone number to E164 format | {{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_e164 }} |
phonenumber_cc | extract the country code from a phone number | {{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_cc }} |
phonenumber_cca | extract the country code from a phone number in alpha-2 format | {{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_cca }} |
phonenumber_type | extract the type of a phone number | {{ '+33612345678' | phonenumber_type }} |
strftime | format a date | {{ '2021-01-01' | strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }} |
to_datetime | convert a string to a datetime object | {{ '2021-01-01' | to_datetime }} |
to_bool | convert a string to a boolean (evaluate to true: "yes", "on", "1", "true", 1) | {{ 'true' | to_bool }} |
hmac | generate hash for a string, using a key (optional); supported digests: sha1, sha224, sha256 (default), sha384, sha512, blake2b, blake2s | {{ 'secret' | hmac }} {{ 'secret' | hmac('key') }} {{ 'secret' | hmac('key', 'sha512') }} |
chunked | split a list into chunks | {{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | chunked(2) | list }} |
Test | Description | Sample |
startswith | check if a string starts with a substring | {{ 'hello, world' | startswith('hello') }} |
endswith | check if a string ends with a substring | {{ 'hello, world' | endswith('world') }} |
Function | Description | Sample |
now | compute the current date and time | {{ now() }} |
tz | apply a timezone to a date | {{ now(tz('Europe/Paris')) }} |
timedelta | apply a delta to a date | {{ now() | timedelta(days=1) }} |
utcnow | compute the current date and time in UTC | {{ utcnow() }} |
uuid | generate a UUID | {{ uuid() }} |
randint | generate a random integer | {{ randint(1, 10) }} |
Variable | Description |
request | the current request object. Use {{ (request.body | rest2dict).<property> }} to access request body triggered by an HTTP custom endpoint |
instance | the current instance object running a workflow with the following attributes: id, guid, callback_task_id, user_id, original_request_id, label |
context | a key-value map attached to the current workflow instance |
tasks | tasks ran until there with their status |
sub_instances_responses | "callback" responses produced by sub-instances |
parent_instance_context | context of the parent instance (only filled in sub-instance) |
settings | a dictionary containing the settings of the platform (sensitive content are removed for security reason) |
env | a dictionary containing the environment variables of the platform |
proxy_name | the name of the proxy (only filled in processes started with proxy binding) |
worker_env | a dictionary containing the environment variables of the worker process (note: it allows to attach different values depending on the running location) |
user | the user object of the current user (only filled when the instance has an owner defined) |
While jinja2 is the default template engine, you can use other engines by specifying the engine
attribute in the field (just under the template in the editor).
Jinja2 is a Python based template engine, so it is the most extensible and powerful engine available. But because it is Python based, it is not the fastest engine available. If you have a lot of templates to evaluate, or templates with big data or slow templates, you may want to consider using a faster and lighter engine like Pongo2.
Documentation: https://github.com/flosch/pongo2