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The APIO core comes with a GUI that allows you to manage the APIO core. This GUI may hide/expose some features of the APIO core.


Label[optional] free text displayed on the login page and in the navigation bar, usually used to specify a platform name or an environment amongst others.
Better to keep it short, to not screw the navigation bar on smaller screens.

Sample login page
Sample navigation bar
ModulesThe list of modules / pages to enable in the GUI.
Default welcome mail templateThe default mail template used to send welcome mails when a new local user is created via API and no password is provided.
Default reset password mail templateThe default mail template used to send reset password mails when a user requests a password reset via API.
Reset password notification workflow[optional] The workflow to trigger when a user requests a password reset via API. When a user launch a reset password, a token is generated and sent to the user by email using the default SMTP configuration. When a workflow is set, the mail is not sent and the workflow is called with the following parameters: username, token and email. The workflow is responsible to provide the user with the appropriate token.
Post-reset password workflow[optional] The workflow to trigger when a user resets his password via API. When a user resets his password, the password is updated and the workflow is called with the following parameters: username and password. The workflow can't change the password, and it can't be used to validate the new password.
Invalid password locakout durationThe duration of the lockout when a user enters an invalid password too many times (in minutes).
Invalid password locakout thresholdThe number of invalid password attempts before locking the user out.
Force 2-factor auth.Whether the 2-factor by mail authentication should be enforced for all users with a mail address.
2-factor auth. email templateThe mail template used to send the 2-factor authentication code.
2-factor auth. HTTP headerUse a custom HTTP header from the request to get the client source IP address (used to trust the source in the 2-factor auth. process).
2-factor auth. TOTP issuerThe TOTP issuer used to generate the TOTP QR code.
Allowed originsThe list of allowed origins for the CORS requests.
Max session idle timeoutThe maximum time a session can be idle before being closed (in minutes).
Enable WebauthN passkeysWhether the WebauthN passkeys are enabled.
WebauthN display nameThe display name used for the WebauthN passkeys.
WebauthN RP IDThe relying party ID used for the WebauthN passkeys.
WebauthN RP originsThe list of origins allowed for the WebauthN passkeys.